Your decision about an interim pastor is very important
Find out if Neal might be the right fit for your church
Step 1
Listen below
Hear from pastors, elders, and staff who have worked with Neal
Step 2
Read online
Download and read Neal's PIF and Resume
Step 3
Talk directly
Set up a zoom conversation or phone call with Neal

Bonnie Piovesan,
Business Administrator,
1st Pres.
Coeur d 'Alene, ID

Brett Knox, Chairperson,
San Clemente Presbyterian Church
Interim 2017-19
Elders Farewell (Due to Covid)
StoneBridge Community Church
Interim 2019-20

Lee Krabbe, Worship Director
StoneBridge Community Church
Interim 2019-20
"I had the pleasure of working with Neal and find him to be an outstanding leader, skilled communicator, and a person who sets an excellent example!"

I am grateful for each church I have had the privilege of serving, including,​
Westminster Pres. Westlake Village
Solana Beach Pres.
Rancho Bernardo Pres.
San Clemente Pres.
StoneBridge, Simi Valley
First Pres. Coeur d' Alene

With Dallas Willard at Fuller Seminary
"I have found Neal to be a gifted communicator, a constant learner, and a person with good sense and sensitivity in human relations. People naturally look to him for leadership and love to be in his presence." Dr. Dallas Willard
Highly regarded pastor, professor, and Christian philosopher
I help churches as an interim pastor and a transition coach
Discovery Seminars
In just one seminar,
every member helps create clarity about the future.
Communicate outcomes
and create
ownership of your destination.
Take steps all have agreed on and move in the
right direction.
"Dr. Nybo's professionalism and knowledge led to a successful experience. He was able to draw out insights and ownership from everyone involved." Dr. Gary Ziccardi,
Interim Pastor, Faith Presbyterian Church

Are members trying to tell church leaders something?
Are you listening?
With grace-filled steps,
Shut Tight helps uncover hidden challenges before they become public conflicts.
Need an Interim Pastor?
Every church eventually needs an interim pastor, a transitional leader. There are many interim pastors out there.
I have twenty years’ experience in large churches of 1,000 or more. For ten years I was the executive pastor, managing the largest Presbyterian church in San Diego.
My Doctorate from Fuller Seminary focused on addressing church challenges before they become a public conflict.
I’m old enough to have the respect of most members of your congregation and, I’m young enough to have the energy and insight to keep and grow the next generation.
I have experience in managing conflict, senior leadership management, staff development, tactical and strategic planning, problem-solving, leading change, and fundraising.
I preach every week unless I'm sharing the pulpit with others.
Regardless of other forms of ministry, I believe in being a local church pastor first.

Every organization should
Understand its past
Hold on to the best parts of its identity
Surrender whatever holds it back
Be ready for its future
I am very proud of the
child safety process I led
I was Executive Pastor for ten years at RBCPC. I've got a brief description along with the extensive process I led that church through to become fully accredited with Praesidum